well the title is a bit of a mouthful but it does what it says on the tin! i was browsing urban outfitters and oogling the wonderful things they have for sale as christmas present ideas.. for myself, but what i came across was this beautiful
deer collage canvas and fell in love!!
it's only a mere £28 which i think is reasonable and the minute i get a house i want to display all kinds of weird and wonderful pictures in it (you should check out the website under home and gifts and check out the camera prints-another one to add to the wishlist)
so anyway i am rabbling, it gave me an idea about a minute later to try make my own and that i did! i simply googled deers head silhouette and made my choice, googled decoupage flowers in large size because the rest were so tiny and got creating on photoshop and this is the outcome, now the silhouette turned out to be really pixelated when i made it bigger but being the perfect angle i used it and to much joy, when i sharpened it and played around with it, it actually gave a jaggered edge which didn't look far off the urban outfitters one, obviously that is made using the flowers as the collage but hey it took me about 30 minutes if that (including time to blog about it) and now i want to get it printed out on some nice paper and pop it in a frame!

but yeah, so i hope you like it as much as i do and i am hoping to make a series of them and who knows, they might make some lovely card ideas or even gift ideas! i'd like to try it with different backgrounds and animals and see what they turn out like!
hope you're all enjoying the autumn as much i am and i hope to post a lot more in the run up to christmas with everything festive!
Samantha xx